Sunday, November 30, 2008

From Myth to Movie!, Lesson Plan Reflection

From Myth to Movie!

This multimedia lesson plan was by far the most interesting, exciting and time-consuming project of the semester. From planning to completion, I spent 3 weeks laboring over every little detail. Honestly, I brought the stress on myself by choosing to build an entire website on which to display my lesson plan. But in the end, it was all worth it. I have a product that I am truly proud of and have gained skills and knowledge I did not possess prior to this endeavor.

Although building the website took quite a bit of time and energy, the elements I struggled with the most were the objectives and the rubric I used as the evaluation tool. I assume that had I taken at least one methods course prior to this assignment, I may not have struggled so much with the objectives. Also, I am currently taking the ED 489 Evaluations course but have not received much instruction on rubric building. Objectives and rubrics aside, the rest of the lesson plan assignment was pretty much downhill.

I cannot stress enough how much I enjoyed this assignment. I like that we were able to choose our content area and subject matter. I chose to incorporate the oral tradition of storytelling while making the assignment culturally relevant by limiting the stories to those unique to Guam. I also included multiple technology tools for presenting and accessing the lesson. These various elements were brought together through the artistic perspective of film.

The only thing that I would change about this assignment would be to have more time. The end of the semester always seems to be packed with labor-intensive assignments and finals. Having so much work to get done in my other classes kept me from really concentrating on this assignment and developing it to the level that I would have preferred.

1 comment:

Jacqui Cyrus said...

Students always complain about not having enough time for this project, even though this semester, I added an additional week.

